
Our Nutrition

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Whether you select our cage-free eggs, organic eggs, or our nutritionally-enhanced Omega-3 eggs, one thing you can be sure of is that all of our eggs are raised on locally grown grains and all natural feed amendments. The result is unparalleled taste and texture.


There’s a lot to love about our DHA Omega-3 offerings. After all, they’re some of the healthiest eggs in North America, boasting 3 times more DHA and 5 times more Omega-3 than your average egg.

“That’s great,” you might say. “But what the heck are these things and why should I care?”

Well, it turns out that Omega-3s and DHA (the most important type of Omega-3) are fatty acids that play an essential role in a number of biological processes, including:

  • Metabolism
  • Cell division and growth
  • Muscle activity
  • Blood clotting
  • Digestion
  • Fertility
  • Heart and brain health
  • Improving motor skills and attention span in infants

In addition to DHA, the other two types of Omega-3s are ALA, which is associated with maintaining bodily functions, and EPA, which is associated with stress reduction. Phil’s DHA Omega-3 eggs provide all three.

Consuming Omega-3s has been shown to reduce:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Secondary cardiovascular disease
  • Depression & aggression
  • ADHD
  • Inflammation


The other thing to keep in mind about DHA and Omega-3s is taste. If the Omega-3s are not protected with antioxidants, they can give an off-taste that reflects degradation and rancidity. We protect our Omega-3s so that they can be cooked, poached or fried without destroying the quality of the Omega-3s, and you can taste the difference.
  • Special antioxidants are added to the hen’s feed to protect and retain fragile DHA Omega-3s so that they can be cooked, poached, or fried without damaging the quality of the Omega-s or losing flavor
  • The human body cannot absorb the incredible benefits of Omega-3 unless the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is balanced
    • Omega-6 blocks all Omega-3 assimilation when levels of Omega-6 to Omega-3 exceed 7:1
    • Phil’s DHA Omega-3 eggs succeed in maintaining a dietician-recommended ratio of 2:1!
No other egg today offers this high level of DHA while maintaining a balanced level of Omega-6 to Omega-

Where to buy our fresh eggs

From Our Farm to your table